
Calm, reaching up into the sky, touching God and letting the creative energy flow through me & show up on the page
with the next line, the next breath, not having to know what is the next thing to do, just feeling the way, being IN all the way, each breath, each moment at a time….ahhhhhhhhh.

Letting this creative energy flow through my body, be expressed, be witnessed, be seen, be listened to, be expressed in whatever form or vibration it takes is all it wants.

It relieves the tension, the pressure of “Not Doing” of things piling up on the “To Do List,” the “Want To DO List.”

The hardest part is to gather the pencil, the paper, to sit, to show up: then it all just flows, including the belief systems, the little gremlins, the voices, the beliefs, the memories, the thoughts, until the act of creating captures the present moment and dissolves the mind into the flow of creation, engaging with that Creative Energy, that Life Force, that innate Isness that streams down through my body like Star Trek’s Scotty is beaming me up.

Letting it flow through my body, feeling that connection to the Highest Vibration of All That Is, letting this feeling take over my mind, clear my thoughts and just let it come through into form, letting it breathe itself through me: this is Home.

This is where I choose to play, stay and live my life from. I’ve found tools to get me here, help me stay here, each moment, each breath, each choice it’s a matter of employing them, taking action, staying focused, releasing distraction, choosing to make art over doing the dishes, choosing to make silent the busy mind, listen & let it pour out onto the page, uncensored, choosing to play music over watching the news, choose movement over stagnation. This is all the Creative Energy of All That Is wants- is to flow! Out of my lips, onto the page, into the world, into Isness to be expressed, then witnessed, learned from and done again and again until it becomes like breathing.

Today what came to me as I did my mandala was how do I create the image I want next, the way I want to and I realized, its none of my business, that that didn’t matter, what did matter was to just be there, breathe and let it flow, enjoy that feeling, because “It” knows, It will draw It, It will speak It, It will move It. Just like the seed within knows how to unfurl and reach for the sky, our life purpose and missions know intrinsically how to come into being, to guide, to compel to take the next step into Divine Timing, Divinely Orchestrated.

I’ve seen proof of this process in my life, over and over. I know this at my core, yet there are still more beliefs to clear, so it is clarified & becomes an even more efficient first response: the process of instantaneous conscious co-creation.

Here where I repeatedly choose to surrender faster and more quickly into this, jumping back into the raging current carrying me downstream to my inevitable joy and fulfillment enjoying the quickening of the flow all the while.

“Let go stubborn human fool, clinging so desperately to the edge
of the river bank afraid of being ‘out of control,’ of
not ‘knowing,’ how or what, of fighting to hold onto the old
when you know: ‘Just open your hands and just let go!’
into the wisdom, the guidance, the powerful current, carrying you downstream.
Joyfully throw your hands up to the sky on a regular basis, take a deep breath in, feel your connection
to your innate Divine Birth Rite to Create and play with this
Creative Energy of the All That Is, that Isness, consciously, witnessing it
& dare to revel in the face of your Birth Rite to Create and play in this limitless sky!!

Trust the certainty that comes from being IN!
Enjoy the curiosity, the knowing with the discovery, the evolution of becoming!
Know that no matter what you won’t wrong!
You can’t get it wrong!
It’s certainty and offering willingly come into being,
into form,
then shine,
is received,
with wonder,
calling you onward,
All the while,
holding space for the senses
of completion,
of oneness,
of Just Isness
in this