So, a crazy awesome miracle happened yesterday!

Sky sig

Last Tuesday, my top-of-the-line, year-old Mac Book Pro wouldn’t boot up.  I called up Apple & they said, “Well your warranty expired last night at mid-night.”  I told them I know that I didn’t buy my computer in the middle of the night and asked them if they’d cut me some slack.  They did and allowed me to buy an extended two year purchase and patched me on over to Apple Care.  They said, ” Since you live so far from town, we’ll mail you out a box today.  It’ll be just as easy.”  I got the box the next day and loaded up my computer in a really cool box.  The instructions in the box mentioned backing up your data before sending, but because I couldn’t even turn it on, I couldn’t back up my data before hand. Plus, I’ve been a Mac user forever & have never had anything go wrong with my Macs– it never dawned on me to think it was more than a quick fix. Because I live out in literally the Boondocks, Fed Ex had to schedule a special pick up, so I finally sent it off last Thursday.

So this past Tuesday morning, I was having an awesome start to the day, stoked on freshly made green juice, cleaned the kitchen, just finished my qigong session & was getting ready to do some art and inspired writing, feeling better than I have in more than a year, when the Fed Ex guy brings me my computer.  I was like, “Cool, that was fast.” I set it on the table and was going to go do art in the studio and just leave it for later, but felt a nudge to open it up, which I did.  Opened it up & it booted right on up…to a brand new operating system OS X Lion. My world kinda stopped spinning and my brain was like, “Cool, a Lion. I like lions. Wait…I have to choose what language I want to use?” DENIAL…right? because what was up was not pretty…it slowly dawned on me: yes, I had lost all of my data. Data…such a small word, who needs data anyways, right? Sounds harmless enough…but slowly as my mind started wrapping itself around what that meant, I started losing it!

Data meant writing I’ve been doing for years, prepping for the five books whirling around in my head trying to get out, books already started, photos documenting years of post traumatic brain injury and “reality” with dates and proof I was there, that was what happened, family photos, pictures of people that have passed, baby pictures, my animals baby pictures, animals that have passed, pictures of my beautiful gardens & life in Anderson Valley, my art that I lost, other art that I’d have to take more pictures of, voice memos from people who have passed, my music, recordings of special live events like the music in the Ashram in the Bahamas last year, Keb Mo at Strawberry BlueGrass Festival for Cathy’s 60th, notes from all the years of traveling with Vianna Stibal & Guy and typing up ThetaHealing classes, the very first ThetaHealing Advanced class & manual before it was being published by Hay House and sold around the world in tons of different languages, the very first Intuitive Anatomy Teacher’s manuals & Rainbow Children manuals, the New Life Experiment when it was just a game Vianna & I were playing and an email I sent out to my family–before it was a class taught all around the world, pictures of my ThetaHealing travels throughout the States, Australia, New Zealand, Bahamas… all my passwords, my bookmarks, extra expensive software I had purchased, and on and on…I just cried and freaked until I found the number to Apple Care and called.

Somehow I made it to a supervisor who was kind and super apologetic and told me he could put in for a request to find my discarded hard drive somewhere in Tennessee. He told me there was an extremely slim chance that it would be found, that he didn’t want me to get my hopes up because it rarely ever happened.   “Normally, they just throw them in a big pile and destroy them right away so no one can use one’s personal information.”  I said, “Fantastic, let’s get off the phone and make that request, because I see miracles everyday & I’m holding space for this to be just another one of them!” He said he’d get back in touch with me in a couple of days, which was yesterday.

I cried the rest of Tuesday, freaking out, calling Apple Care back for now questions as to how to work this new OS X Lion…whew! a whole new learning curve when I was already tripping! I mentioned what happened with my computer getting wiped to a tech and she was like, “Wait, that just doesn’t seem right, I’m going hook you up with a supervisor.” So she patched me through to #2 Supervisor, who was kind, empathetic and extremely apologetic as well, as most Apple folk are.  For my loss, he kindly offered me Microsoft Word Suite or a 2TB external hard drive & to set me up with a tech to learn about Time Machine that backs up data on Macs. He said the rep who set up the shipping should have warned me up and down that I could possibly lose everything, which would’ve been helpful because it never even entered my mind.  (Big Lesson here:  Back up, Back up, Back up!)  The offer of the external hard drive just made me cry more, since at that point I didn’t have anything to put on it.  I mentioned to him that the supe #1 was making a request to find my hard drive and he said, “I’ll let him do that because I don’t even tell people its a possibility because its such a slim chance of them ever being recovered.” I told him as well that I see miracles everyday and I was holding space for this to all turn into a miracle.

After all day being on the phone with Apple, crying, trying to figure out my new operating system and recover some sense of normal functioning with business on my “new” computer, scheduling clients, I guess I wore myself out, because somewhere in the middle of the night, I just went up and told Creator, “Yo, if all of my writings, pictures, data is meant to be with me, then bring it back to me in the highest and best way now, & if not, then take it away & shift this situation up quickly & easily because I was feeling way too good to feel like this again!” I saw Unconditional Love flow into the situation, put a little Torus tapped into the 7th Plane of Existence, All That Is, around my hard drive, heard it putting out the vibe out: “FIND ME!” & saw someone reaching in a pile of hard drives & it being found.  After that I felt at peace with it, resolved to witness what would come with curiosity and unattached surrender.  I felt a calm come over me that I realized had actually been there in the back of my mind all day, like a whisper, saying,”Things are not always as they seem,” but I didn’t really hear that because “I”-my ego, my attachment, my emotional pain body, was having a melt down and throwing a big fit.

The next day, Wednesday, I was way too busy to even deal with it. I got to sub all day in the High School art class in Boonville, then meet up with a client and had another one after that on the phone at home. In between all of this, my phone was ringing off the hook & text messages were blowing up my phone (cancel that). One of the calls was my mom and she said, “You sound great! Wow, did you change that vibe up quickly!” I told her I had things to do that day, I had to be on & it had been such a good day it was just too good to stay down! That night I didn’t get out of my work clothes until [9:30]. (It’s been over nine years since I had a work day like that- well, that included teaching kids.) Needless to say, I was too pooped to worry about the computer, except I did say to Cathy, “I would love to get that hard drive back just so I’d could call up that supervisor (#2)  & let him know that miracles really do happen & to never give up!” It kinda felt like if this were happening at least something good could come out of it & it seemed like  an important enough reason for all of this to happen in the first place, getting someone to open up to the possibilities of a miracle happening even when the chances are slim.

Thursday (yesterday) I subbed again at the High School and at the last moment, I decided to go home at lunch and check on the dogs . As I rounded the bend in my driveway, I saw a white van with a door open. I was like, “What’s up?” Got closer and it was the same Fed X guy, digging in the back of his van. He crawled out and handed me a box, a rather light box. I was like, “Woah.” Slightly puzzled I checked out the return address: Tennessee. I was like “Yes, way!!!” Tore it open and there it was…my hard drive…a miracle!!!  I immediately called up the Apple supe #2, who didn’t make the request, and left him a message telling him what had just happened.  I told him, “Miracles happen! Never give up!!” Then proceeded in singing, “I believe in miracles…!” completely off key minus the “you sexy, thing” part. (I would not make it on American Idol.) Then I called the supe #1 too and thanked him for believing enough for making the request and that it worked!  He was very excited, amazed & happy!

The next call I made was to Mac Networks in Santa Rosa, CA to set up an appointment to retrieve the data and the guy there was like, “Woah, that is AMAZING that they found it!! That never happens! It is a miracle!”

We still don’t know if they can get the info off of my hard drive–that’s the next step, but for now, I got this miracle and this is a good one. I’m just sitting here in an amazing state of detachment, “milking it for all its worth” as Abraham would say.  If the data is there, its supposed to be.   Somehow that is comforting and validating in itself, like I was on the right track.  If not, we’ll just start a new journey. It’s all good.

Ultimately, Creator of All That Is told me when I was praying, “Nothing is ever lost.  It always a part of All That Is & It Just Is. It’s up to our Free Agency to choose for it to be lost or found.”  Cool, Creator, well I choose for it to be found!


For more about Sky go to her website:

new website!  still underconstruction:



I’m Found!



To find out what happens, click here: