Ever wonder what your animal friend is thinking? Want to learn how to be their best friend? Need to help them through an illness? Want to help them clear cellular trauma from an accident or a bad experience? Want to learn how to help your animal friend stay healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually?
Wonder no more! be a animal communicator
Sky is excellent at telling you exactly what they’d like to say to you!
Get a Private One-on-One Session with Sky!
Sky has been working with animals and their owners all over the world for the past thirteen years with amazing results!
Fill out Your “Create the Life of Your Dreams NOW!” Consultation Application today and get one step closer to see what your animal friends have to tell you, how they can fast track your healing and the healing of your family!
No traveling necessary, we can work via phone or Skype anywhere in the world.
Interested in getting trained in how to communicate with Animals?
They want to communicate with you! Learn how from a master teacher. 
Sky offers several classes to help you learn how to be an accurate animal communicator:
- *Sky’s Co-Creating Healthy & Balanced Pets
- *Basic ThetaHealing®
- *Advanced ThetaHealing®
- *ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper
- *ThetaHealing®Animal
- * & other ThetaHealing® Courses
If you’re interested in a class, please contact Sky at sky@skyislimitless.com if you’re interested in joining us for a class.