Cosmic Mayan Calendar Reading with Sky
Get your powerful 90-minute reading and celebrate what’s showing up in your life!
4 Reasons You’ll Want to Get Your
Cosmic Mayan Calendar Reading,
Even if it’s Not Your Birthday!

Your Date of Birth in the Mayan Calendar
What kin day, wave, realm was it on the day you were born? What moon were you born in? Knowing this information creates a story of this amazing day & reveals your gifts, talents, and fundamental energy. This deep understanding of your unique brilliance will increase self-understanding, self-compassion, and self-love! It will help you respect and honor yourself while validating and confirming what you may have always sensed in a profound way! It will give you permission to embrace yourself and your magic!

This Current Year's Birthday Information
What kin day, wave, realm does your birthday fall on this year!? & in what moon? Knowing this information reveals the magic, challenges and growth opportunities of this calendar year! It can help you navigate this year and take the highest and best steps towards making it the best year ever!

Past, Present, & Future Readings
Yes! I can see this in the Mayan Calendar! Let’s dive in and illuminate where you’ve been & why, where you’re at & where you’re heading! This will give you insight and help you navigate it all with ease, abundance, and flow, all while exposing the Divine Orchestration of your life! This will help you prioritize the most important aspects of your life, stay focused and invest in your highest and best opportunities, taking advantage of the energies at hand!

Cosmic Belief Work & Downloads
Yes! I can see this in the Mayan Calendar! Let’s dive in and illuminate where you’ve been & why, where you’re at & where you’re heading! This will give you insight and help you navigate it all with ease, abundance, and flow, all while exposing the Divine Orchestration of your life! This will help you prioritize the most important aspects of your life, stay focused and invest in your highest and best opportunities, taking advantage of the energies at hand!
This private one-on-one reading willing include:
✨a rare deep dive private on-line experience with Sky normally reserved only for private clients who are in my programs
✨special visual aids and an individualized report just for you
✨an hour and half long reading full of connection, magic & sparkle
✨time to ask some burning questions
✨an audio recording, so you can listen to our call again at your convenience report just for you
What People Are Saying
“Working with Sky is an Event. Her awareness of energy, and of my energy and where I needed to go/be, was quite extraordinary and powerful during our session. I have much background in astrology and a bit of knowledge about the Mayan Calendar. She deepened my understanding of this cosmic calendar and my place in it in a way that I could further grasp and take in its complexity and imagery and feel how it is flowing through me. We then focused into some of my sticky issues. Sky’s compassionate and finely tuned way of asking for your “YES” in agreeing to shift and heal, is awesome. I continue to reverberate within the sparkling field in which we played, with a sense of spaciousness, freedom and empowerment from what she calls, ‘The All That Is’.”
“Things are shifting in many ways after my reading with Sky. It helped me see my journey in this lifetime from a whole new perspective and has added a new sense of wholeness and completeness in me. I have always felt I was missing something in me, but now this has filled ME with MY SELF LOVE in a whole new dimension. As I was sitting with all that I learned, I was thinking about where I am in life and what I need. Then it became clear to me that I am what Love is, I am what I need. I’ve always searched for a partner with whom to share my life, and now, I feel I am that partner and have always been. This beautiful reading helped me bring this into realization and acceptance that this is all I have ever needed. My life isn’t about the partner, it’s about the BEING of me, fully and completely. Such a beautiful gift to feel this in every cell of my being.”
“Sky’s clear wisdom shines through my Mayan chart and ever interaction I have had with her. Just learning about my kin day, the day I was born, completely blew me away and validated so many things in my life that are currently unfolding. The timing was the reading was perfect. She has my highest recommendation.”