Dreams are the course correction for our Soul’s journey. In trying to find our Life Purpose and live it, we all make mistakes, but our dreams can put us back on the right path. They are like helpful road signs on the highway of life, telling us when we have made a wrong turn, or taken a detour from where we really want to go.

Dreams can improve the insights you have into past events, influence your Waking Life behavior, and help you change aspects of your life that you want to change. Our subconscious sends us messages every night, but it’s up to us to decipher what they mean.

Sample Dream Interpretation & Course Discussion

💤💤💤 These two sample videos are to help you understand what services are available to you privately. 💤💤💤

Listen! Your Soul is Talking to You!

Discover Your Soul’s Purpose Through Your Dreams

Dream Interpretation  


💤 1 Dream Interpretation & Report
💤 30-Minute Reading with Catherine


Master Dream Worker, Scientific Hand Analyst, & Artist Extraordinaire

Catherine began recording her dreams at the age of five. She sees her dreams are allies as they herald changes in her life and then help guide her forward on her journey. In 2012 she began studying Dream Work with Jeremy Taylor, author & world-renowned Master Dream Worker, and now is a certified Dream Worker with the Marin Institute for Projective Dream Work. After 25 years of teaching in bilingual education, she facilitates dream groups and workshops in the beautiful Anderson Valley in Mendocino County, California.

This opportunity is for you if:

💤 have always wondered what your dreams are trying to tell you and you want the answers
💤 have recurring dreams you can’t stop thinking about
💤 want the key to more self-knowledge

💤 want to learn how ThetaHealing can change the limiting, negative, outdated belief systems you discover through dreamwork that are blocking you from moving forward and living the best version of your life
💤 desire to experience a sacred, safe container to learn, share, grow and explore your inner worlds.

💤 seek vital information that energizes, heals your life and sets you free
💤 have been struggling to solve the mystery of your dreams for years, know they have important messages for you, and now are ready to unlock their secrets

💤 desire to learn more about dream interpretation, projective dream work, archetypes, universal symbols, theta brainwaves and ThetaHealing®
💤 choose to live your dreams because you know you are the dreamer making this dream and choose to make a bigger impact in the world

Discover Your Soul’s Purpose Through Your Dreams

Dream Interpretation  


💤 1 Dream Interpretation & Report
💤 30-Minute Reading with Catherine


Do I need to know anything about dream interpretation before I begin?

No, and it’s also okay if you do!

Do I need to remember my dreams in order to benefit from working with Catherine?

No, you will learn the fundamentals of how to remember your dreams and as you discover more about dream interpretation you will be more apt to begin to remember your dreams.  As you learn about the symbols and archetypes, hear others dreams get interpreted, your subconscious will get on board and start to remember in time.

Why do we dream?

Many experts agree that our dreams bring us messages from the collective unconscious and our own subconscious mind. These messages help us solve problems, make decisions, and warn us of possible wrong courses of action.

Why are dreams so important?

Dreams are a key to self-knowledge because they are our own unique map to our life journey. Dreams have been known to alert dreamers to health problems, predict coming events, show the way to inventing new products, or providing solutions to scientific questions.

What is your subconscious trying to tell you?

Your subconscious is always trying to give you the answer to your most burning questions. Whatever is on your mind in waking life, the subconscious is working on beneath the surface. Every dream is offering you a gift!

What is a Theta brainwave?

A Theta brainwave is a deep meditative state that gives us access to connecting to the Highest Vibration of All That Is and to our subconscious. Whether we are using a waking state Theta brainwave as we do in the internationally renowned healing modality, ThetaHealing ®, or whether we are using a sleeping state Theta brainwave in our dreams, this state heals. Catherine & I are super excited about sharing with you the combination of our passions and sharing their mutual benefits.

Why sleeping and waking state Theta brainwave?

Using both a sleeping State Theta brainwave and a waking state Theta brainwave optimizes the long-term changes you can make!! Our subconscious is trying to show us what we do or do not want to see in our dreams. Our dreams are interpreted by our belief systems! Combining projective dream work and ThetaHealing make your effort of remembering your dream, discovering the insights even more powerful because you take the next step to transform limiting, outdated, negative belief systems in a waking state Theta brainwave can for real cellular changes in your life!!

As I read through Cathy’s interpretation of my dream I was blown away by how insightful and revealing her interpretation was. Each aspect of my dream and her interpretation revealed something going on in my life at that exact moment, that was just under the surface of my awareness. Once these aspects of my experience were in my conscious awareness I could work with them in a really useful and healing way with Sky. I am currently in one of Sky’s healing groups and there is such a beautiful, loving energy to the community. Attending these virtual classes feels grounding, powerful and Divinely orchestrated.

Thank you, Cathy and Sky!

Kristi Sandero

Breathwork Practitioner & Holistic Health Coach, Los Angeles, CA

Listen! Your Soul is Talking to You!