“It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday, it doesn’t matter what happened an hour ago, it’s about me focusing on myself right here and now. And choosing to look forward because we can always align with our highest and best path at any moment at any time.” – Jen Gilchrist

Jen Gilchrist is a speaker, Transformational Success Mentor & Spiritual Teacher. She works wonders by amplifying the spiritual gifts of empaths, highly sensitive and intuitive people, and spiritual entrepreneurs. She also mentors others to awaken to their inherent soul gifts, cultivate their intuition and help them clear soul-level blocks so they can show up in all their brilliance.

In this episode, Jen shares how she is leading with her light and how she is living her soul’s purpose. She also talks about how she is serving people, and about Dolphin Journeys. One of the highlights of this episode is Sky and Jen’s discussion about Group Consciousness: practice groups and other group sessions. Tune in and check out the free gift from Jen below.


Episode Highlights:

[02:52] Seventh Plane of Existence Meditation & Prayer
[07:40] How are you leading with your light?
[13:24] Serving Other People and Them Serving Others
[16:00] Human Group Consciousness
[27:40] Dolphin Journeys with Jen Gilchrist
[28:29] How Jen Serves People and Her Hopes for the Future? 
[41:55] Free Gift from Jen
[43:00] Download: Remember and Embody How Powerful You Truly Are


#LeadingWithYourLight and living your soul’s purpose with #JenGilchrist. Learn more about #ServingPeople #HumanGroupConsciousness and #DolphinJourneys. #SkyAhearn #Limitless #LeadingWithLight #TransformationalLeadership Click To Tweet



[9:11] “That energy of love and alignment can transform the darkest, that most dense is the heaviest energy on this planet faster than the speed of light.” – Sky A’Hearn

[13:15] “Service is a way to keep our vibe high.” – Sky A’Hearn

[14:40] “Individually, we all have our own stories and really all we can do is navigate our own story.” – Jen Gilchrist

[15:40] “There’s nothing to fear, this is actually exciting that so much of this is coming up, because it’s speeding up our timeline to get to the good stuff, which I know is on the other side.” – Jen Gilchrist

[18:08] “We have that capacity with the tools that you use, and I use and I think it’s our personal responsibility in a lot of ways to really look into that.” – Sky A’Hearn

[19:24] “It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday, it doesn’t matter what happened an hour ago, it’s about me focusing on myself right here and now. And choosing to look forward because we can always align with our highest and best path at any moment at any time.” – Jen Gilchrist

[35:38] When you clear that out, you’re already so tapped into your spiritual gifts like your psychic abilities just start to come in so much more clear and accurate because you have that clear channel.” – Jen Gilchrist


Connect with Jen:

An Entrepreneur for 22 years and a Spiritual Mentor for 11 years, Jen Gilchrist has gone from Struggling Single Mom to a multiple 6-figure Business Owner making money doing what she loves and empowering others to do the same. She works with “Highly Sensitive” and Spiritual Entrepreneurs on a deep level, helping them to reclaim the confidence, trust, and tools needed to harness their intuition, align with their purpose and step into their next level of leadership in their business and life, so they make a bigger impact in the world while experiencing new levels of freedom of time, energy and money in their purpose driven business.

She considers being a mother to her beautiful and talented daughter her greatest joy and accomplishment. Her favorite personal pleasure is to swim with the wild dolphin pods in Kona, Hawaii. Jen has been on close to 40 different dolphins swims with hundreds of dolphins and says that it is both a playful and spiritual experience and that she has learned and transformed herself through these experiences exponentially.

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Free MASTERCLASS for the Leading of Light Cosmic Treasure Chest

This free gift is an Energetic mastery class for the highly sensitive person, intuitive or empath that will help them succeed in life and business

Get the FREE gift here: https://soulsuccessunleashed.com/energeticmastery-for-life/