BoonT_1 It is a beautiful, sunny day here in Philo, CA and we are relieved and grateful! The story of the day, is that our 12-14 year old Golden/Lab/Rot, Boont, our Miracle Dog, is going to make it. The bacteria that wreaked havoc on his digestive track for more than 24 hours has left him in peace. We figured that our food loving dog found himself a rotten treat that didn’t sit well with him, but we weren’t for sure. There was that rotten squirrel last week that he swallowed in a single gulp. Didn’t know if he had twisted a gut or had gotten an impaction. The good news was that he was drinking water, his gums were a good pink color and when I pushed on them they became a pink/red color (i.e. “capillary refill” was good), his nose was wet and he wasn’t listless. The bad news was he was throwing up repeatedly, he didn’t want to eat and he had bright red blood in his stool…and it was Easter Sunday. I kept him on a leash and followed him up and down the hill in our yard in the pouring rain throughout the day and night. I hadn’t seen him walk that much for weeks, because his hips have been hurting him and I was amazed by his compulsion to move. Even the other dogs and cats were worried about him and checking on him. I massaged his ears, checked the vet’s dog book, held his acupressure points and rubbed his belly. I gave him some homeopathic medicine for bloat, colic, pain and digestive problems. I gave him charcoal tablets, rescue remedy, but he threw it all up. How stressful it is to watch your dog be in pain! I burned sage, shook rattles, did Reiki and Chi Gong healings, with him. We knew that it was up to his Free Agency to accept the healings and to choose to live and stay with us a bit longer or to choose to go. Of course, both Cathy and I were prepared to let him go if he was ready. We just didn’t want him to be in pain. I just kept on breathing, drinking water, telling Creator to take care of it, witnessing and allowing, doing energy breaks, reminded myself to keep my fear out of it and prayed some more like a wild Banschee. I did Theta Healing and belief work on him, myself and my partner. I called friends for healings, and first thing Monday morning scheduled an appointment with the vet. I knew it was extra serious when I was able to reach Vianna on the phone. She was concerned that he may have a twisted gut, because he’s an older dog, but reassured me that she was good at healing this. No doubt in my mind, since she’s done instant healings on me several times when I was suffering from very similar symptoms from Salmonella poisoning. She told me to put my hands on his tummy, and she did a healing. Instantly, I felt a big burp, like something moved and was released in his stomach, and he sat up suddenly. Then she told me to get him to the vet; I told her we were on our way. Boonty is a Miracle Dog to us, but he is also a Miracle Dog to our vets, since he received an instantaneous healing from lymphoma cancer more than three years ago. They’d never seen a dog heal from it ever. So when we arrived Monday afternoon from over the mountain to the animal hospital, the vet who checked him out told him that we weren’t going to let him die today either. We were glad to hear that, but at the same time hesitant to take solace in her words, because we were seriously thinking he was so sick he wasn’t going to make it. The vet ran a blood test and out of about 30 different things that they tested for, only three categories were out of the normal range! Those healings sure did help! One category out of the normal zone was cholesteral, which is normal in older dogs, the second category was his red blood cells were lower due to the blood in his stool, and lastly, his white blood cell count was elevated indicating that he was fighting off an bacterial infection. From this test she was able to determined that he hadn’t ingested anything poisonous, that his major organ functioning was normal, ruling out an impaction or a twisted gut. All great news. They gave him electrolytes, a shot of anti-nausea medicine and an anti-biotic, sent us home with a bottle of anti-biotics. Seems my dog had a case of dietary indiscretion, commonly known as “Garbage Gut,” basicly, food poisoning for humans. Yet another reminder that some dogs are safer on leash. We were all exhausted from the stress and worry, but happy to hurry home to cuddle up together for the evening. Today we’re happy to say, Boont decided to be a Miracle Dog again and stay and play! He made it through the night and he’s feeling better by the moment. We’re so appreciative of all the different ways of healing that helped him feel better, from the science to the prayers! Cathy and the other dogs went to the barn while Boont and I both recovered on the deck in the sunshine, counting our blessings for yet another day together. He just finished his meal of rice, pumpkin and a little bit of wet dog food, along with his final anti-biotic for the day. He wags his tail when I come into the room. It’s so great to see the smile back in his eyes, to feel the health in his body under my hands when I pet him and feel the relief and gratitude in my heart!