“You’re here to impact the world, you’re not here to be impacted by others.” – Allyson Ballou

Our special guest today is the “healing witch” – Allyson Ballou. She uses various techniques to guide conscious women to reconnect with who they really are and why they are here. She specializes in Human Design Auric Healing, Energy Healing, Guided Light Healing, and ThetaHealing.

Sky & Allyson will reminisce about how they met and their healing journey together, and then talk about how their own specialization, ThetaHealing and Human Design works well together. Allyson will share her awakening when a tough time hit her family, and how healing classes communities helped her during times. Sky & Allyson  will then end this episode by explaining what is really happening when we are having a dream. Tune in and experience the feeling of unconditional self-love these two have!


Episode Highlights:

[04:12] Allyson’s Healing Journey with Sky
[10:10] ThetaHealing and Human Design System Together
[20:24] Allyson’s Awakening During a Tough Time
[25:41] Creating a Community with Healing Classes
[31:59] Dreams Happen in the Theta Brainwave
[35:50] Experience the Feeling of Unconditional Self-Love


Allyson Ballou, a healing witch joins force with Sky and shares how #HumanDesign and #ThetaHealing works together. Puzzled with your dreams? What do they really mean? These ladies have answers to that. Listen and experience a world… Click To Tweet



[05:30] “BasicThetaHealing class changed my whole relationship with myself. It broke the pattern of victimhood that I’ve been in for a while.” – Allyson Ballou

[07:34]If it’s too complicated, it may not be truth.” – Sky A’Hearn

[12:35]  “You’re here to impact the world, you’re not here to be impacted by others.” – Allyson Ballou

[17:22]You don’t  have to be perfect before things line up and rock.” – Sky A’Hearn

[28:24] “No fear can go unhealed in the container that you set for us.” – Sky A’Hearn

[30:43] “From the Creator’s perspective, there are no mistakes, it’s just information and feedback.” – Sky A’Hearn

[32:10] “Your dreams are actually trying to get your attention, it’s what your subconscious really wants you to see.” – Sky A’Hearn

[37:15] “You have to let go of the criticism, the analysis and the efforting of trying to fix yourself.  Just come into curiosity and compassion, be with what’s here and choose consciously what you want to believe.” – Allyson Ballou


Connect with Allyson:

Allyson works with conscious women who are feeling lost, overwhelmed, or in pain and helps them reconnect with who they really are and to re-align with why they are here. Using a unique approach which she developed over 22 years of studying and practicing Psychology, Life Coaching, Bioenergetic Energy Healing, Human Design, Trauma Release Therapies, Meditation, and Plant Medicine, she guides her clients to awaken to their true essential self, heal and release anything that’s holding them back, and realign with their soul’s true purpose.

Allyson’s greatest teachings and transformation by far, however, came through the experience of guiding her tiny daughter on a victorious 7-year journey with leukemia before her 8th birthday and recovering from the PTSD that the journey left her with. Through all of this, Allyson eventually learned to connect to the magic of healing that underlies everything. Through all of this, Allyson eventually learned to connect to the magic of healing that underlies everything and huge shifts and transformations can occur with remarkable ease and efficiency we know who we really are.