BlendingLife is full of affirmations if we open up our eyes and see the signs!


This morning I woke up just at first light.  Though it was still dark, I knew I could sleep no more.  I went out into the living room, turned on the heater, plugged in the Christmas lights and opened the curtains to look out onto our backyard and the hills across the valley.   Behind the hills, an arch of pale blue dissolved into the dark still starry sky.  The sun would be rising shortly, announcing the new day.


My mind wandered while I surveyed the gardens and thought of all the work that needed to be done in the yard.  I’ve been home for a week now from Idaho where I spent two months studying at the ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge finishing up my ThetaHealing Masters and Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing.   It was a transformational, amazing experience getting to meet and work with people from all over the world who loved ThetaHealing like I do, who want to and are making a difference on this planet.  It was so nice to be in an environment where ThetaHealing “just is” the norm, among people that were as enthusiastic about ThetaHealing as myself, who witness miracles in their daily lives, intentionally, consciously co-create them and celebrate them as I do!   I definitely witness so many miracles and so much beauty here in Philo!


Leaving friends and that high vibrational learning environment is always a major transition for students.  I’ve witnessed it over and over again now for close to eleven years!  Leading up towards the end of classes, there is an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation of going home and our imminent departure from our newly made friends that leads into almost a frenzied mixture of sadness and simultaneous giddiness, culminating in celebration of “Graduation Day” and then airplanes to catch, hurried hugs, tears and good-byes.  Thankfully, we’ve practiced living and playing in the energy of Oneness for several months and there is Skype!  We come together and form deep, rich connections and shared experiences immersed in a Theta brain wave creating our spectacular Theta Mind that expands into every continent!  We each are a singular person, consciously choosing to align ourselves with highest vibration and our highest and best potential, each returning to our countries, our homes our families.  Like a single drop of water falling into the ocean, we make a difference and allow the vibration of the whole to seek its highest potential that we’ve contributed in raising.  We each forever change our country, community, and families.  It is inevitable.  It is our Free Choice and we choose to make a difference and contribution to the overall vibration of life here on this beautiful planet.  These experiences span lifetimes and cut to the core of our souls, our very being.   We just feel at home; just know we are family, almost instantly.  Sounds strange, but it is the power of inviting Unconditional Love into our lives.  Miracles just happen—all the time.


Coming home (and leaving, for that matter) has always been a major transition for me, probably because when I started traveling and doing ThetaHealing I had three traumatic brain injuries, plus an array of other injuries.   Everything was hard and major then:  making decisions as to whether to go or not, what to pack, making travel plans, having to leave my partner, animals and home, was all tough.  Life is totally different now, but coming and going is still an adjustment, a transition.  It still is a physical and emotional stress.  Thankfully, I have ThetaHealing and am using it to help me make this transition smooth, less stressful, more relaxed, to enjoy it.  It is a challenge, but with the help of this awesome healing modality and Unconditional Love, all things are possible.   I am learning how to give myself time to adjust, to play as I re-enter, to just breathe and feel the gratitude as I ease into my new and improved life of beauty and abundance here in Philo.  Each day, I’m feeling more grounded and relaxed.  “Today is going to be a great day,” I thought to myself.  “I’m mostly caught up and I’ll get to do some writing today!”
Just then to the left, a silky shadow caught the corner of my eye.  It wrapped itself around the trunk of our Twin Flame Bay tree that split off at the base, leaving an inviting key hole shaped entrance at the bottom, perfect for a little den.  It scaled up the trunk a couple of feet, like a whisper and slipped in between the two trees and down the other side.  It moved like water flows, its gray shadow cloaking itself in hint of dawn.  At first I could not believe my eyes.  Jaw slacked and feeling the excitement of getting to witness something magical, my sleepy brain grappled with figuring out what it was.  It moved like a cat, but even more smoothly, like its feet barely brushed the earth, like it was floating.   It seemed longer than a cat; its shoulders narrower, its torso more lank and slender, its tail bushier.   It didn’t walk like a skunk, it was too long; nor did it sport the stark contrast of the telltale white stripe.  It must be a fox?  It wasn’t as big as the fox our neighbor warned us about in late spring; the one we hoped would come live in our yard.  The one actually spotted, soon after, trotting brazenly across our yard in broad daylight, taunting our dog and surprising us from the picture window of our living room.  We were so excited when we watched it casually lope by and up through our driveway.  We felt blessed that its furry paws walked across our yard and that we got to see it so plainly!  We welcomed and invited it to make our home its home!  I kept it in view, hurrying from one window to another, watching it and followed it out the front door only to watch it crawl under our front gates and slip away into the forest behind our house.  “It is October, maybe she took us up on our invitation and decided to stay after all and have pups!,” I thought to myself.  “They would have grown into something about the size of this curious, shadowy creature. “

It circled around the patch of Lavatera, Fuschia, Pestiman and Iris, searching for something, apparently hunting for its breakfast.  Then up the hill, just under the window where I was standing, only a foot in front of me and then headed back down to the tree.  Suddenly, I saw another similar shadow by the Bay tree, moving like butter, just like the other one.  There were two!  Yes!  Two teenage kits!  They both trotted after one another down towards our big old oak tree.  One stopped to roll in something, most likely smelly, then cantered up ahead, racing to catch up with the other, passing under our young redwood tree and disappearing into the grapes and blackberries at the bottom of our property.  Wow!  Magical!


I grabbed my trusty Medicine recalling that Fox represents camouflage and the art of making oneself, one Self invisible, the ability to blend in to one’s environment, and become the observer.  I read: “Fox medicine involves adaptability, cunning, observation, integration, a swiftness of thought and action…quick decisiveness and sure-footedness in the physical world. …Become Fox and feel the joy of knowing the playground of your life.”

Thank you, Foxes.  Perfect affirmation.