Happy New Year!! Inviting In 2019 with Sky!!

Happy New Year 2019, Beautiful Soul!!

Yippee! Ya-hooey!!!! & Adios 2018!

Today we start anew in the Gregorian Calendar…and it’s mid year in the Mayan Calendar, the Earth Moon’s Freedom Year (7/26/18 – 7/26/19). We have 7 more months until we finish up this last year of a 13 year cycle! It’s time to set ourselves free and step into a new found Freedom, preparing for the next 13 year cycle! What are you ready to leave behind?

We are climbing high now, to the top of the mountain; we’re almost there, just a few more days! In the upcoming Moon 7, Moon of Attunement,(1/10/19 – 2/6/19) we’re heading for even more transformation which will catalyze a new way of being Human so we can see with new eyes from the top of the mountain, attuned. But hold your horses, we’re still in Moon 6, the Moon of Balance, (12/13/18 – 1/9/19) balancing, needing to focus & breathe even when the oxygen is getting thinner as we approach the highest of heights, the mid-point of this Freedom year. For now we are in the process of Bridging the Worlds in the Worldbridger Wave (12/30/18 – 1/11/19), bringing the sky energy down to earth, after our journeying and expansion during the Skywalker Wave(12/17/18 – 12/29/18).

•What have you been dreaming of in this darkest time of the year as you’ve been dancing through those multi-dimensions?

•What have you been manifesting during this time?

•Or did you just have to let go and let be? How did that feel?

There is still some transformation to be had with the Storm wave (1/12/19-1/24/19)–its just around the corner in Moon 7, so take some time to really be with these next 8 days in the Moon of Balancing, Moon 6, as you bring earth to sky and YOU bridge the worlds.

Dig deep, center, listen, hold true to you and just let yourself do the next best thing that brings you peace, stillness, satisfaction and quiet. It’s time to listen.

Soon we will be on top of the Mountain in Moon 7, renewed & energized by the 13 day Storm wave (1/12/19-1/24/19), then presented with new choices & opportunity during the Human wave (1/25/19 – 2/6/19) heightened by this new perspective at the peak of the mountain, all the while attuning to our Highest and Best! If you think you have to know right now, you actually can’t, its these last steps to the mountain top where we shed all that we think we know about ourselves, where we’re going and we’re just focusing on the next step, the next breath, balancing…not looking down, not looking back, only looking up, surrendering to the just-isness of the next step. It takes all the focus you can muster.

You can do it! Challenge yourself! Dig In! You got this!

Today, I made a New Year’s special episode of my podcast, “Leading with Light” (Episode 012: Inviting In 2019!) for you to listen to and manifest with! In it, we’ll dive deep into a meditation, pray and reflection on 2018. Then, we’ll get clear on what you’d like to manifest in 2019. I’ll walk you through a potent manifestation process & we can start this new Gregorian year & this last half of this Mayan Earth Moon Freedom Year with a bang!

Grab a pen and your journal & take a listen! Feel free to pause at your convenience to ponder some inspiring questions that will help you glean the gems from 2018 and will help you invite in best for 2019!

Peace within & Peace out as we bridge the worlds with our Light,
