Michael is a mentor and business strategist for visionary solopreneurs. He is a former professional actor and medieval knight, an author and speaker, and he hosts the podcasts Consciously Speaking, Buy This – Not That, and Something to Wine About.

As the founder of The Authority Academy, Michael now trains and supports heart-centered entrepreneurs in professional speaking, virtual summits, getting published, and designing and hosting their own podcast to massively grow their business and expand their audience.

WEBSITE:You can learn more about his at:  http://www.michaelneeley.com

****Leading with Light Cosmic Treasure Chest:  

You are invited to attend Michael’s 3-day event:

Authority BluePrint Live 2019

Oct. 21-23, 2019 Santa Cruz, CA

Here is event link: http://bit.ly/YABLive

*Use the code LAUNCH and you’ll get a VIP/First Class ticket for just 97. !

“Leading with Light”, a divinely inspired podcast, is a wellspring for transformational leaders of today to fill up and align, to gather and be inspired, to create their visions in the world, leading with their light!  Join Your Hostess, Sky A’Hearn, Visionary Light Leader Extraordinaire, in the spirit of Deepak Chopra, Abraham-Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, Vianna Stibal, and an alternative to Bruce Lipton, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Joe Dispenza, & Gregg Braden in leading with your light!

One person in alignment, is stronger than millions out of alignment! When we lead with our light, our true essence, our pure alignment, each moment of each day we inevitably step into leadership, change lives and make this world a better place.   Join Sky as she speaks with transformational leaders of today finding out what inspires them to lead with their light, helps bring them into alignment and makes their dreams come true!  Sign up for your “Ignite Your Limitless Money Magic!” Exploration Session with Sky!


And don’t forget to subscribe to “Leading with Light” so that you don’t miss a single episode and join us in the “Leading with Light” Facebook Group, where “Sparkly Divine Lights Come to Play”. While you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

If you are a transformational leader and you would like to be interviewed by Sky, reach out at sky@skyislimitless.com.

To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to iTunes or to https://www.skyislimitless.com/

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