Shake it off, Shake it up, Shake In Your Light with Sky!

Have you ever noticed how animals take great delight in shaking?


When my dogs first get up in the morning, they shake.


In Chi Gong there is a little move call Shake the dog.

I did some free flow this morning and thought I would share.

Inviting you to shake all the goo off, all the worry, stress n fear-all the excess noise, all the group conscious growth and expansion stuff, you’re limiting beliefs, the shoulda’s, have to’s, your negative self-talk… Shake it off!

Remember you’re the light!

Remember your magical!

Remember you’re creating this experience!

Lead with your light!


Love & Light,



Erin Delaney I looooooove shaking!!! And I love the brilliance of TRE – a trauma releasing technique where the body shakes automatically. So….SHAKE!!!


Lindsay A. Miller I shake every time to go to the bathroom on international flights. I can’t feel such a different


Minette Riordan I love this!!


Ana Meier I love Chi Gong ?


Kristi Sandeno I LOVE this shaking Sky! One of my favorite practices. Thank you for the reminder this morning. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️