Sky Facebook Live Walking in the forest,

Celebrating stepping into the Mayan Calendar’s Wizard Wave in the new T’zolkin 260 Day Round starting in the Moon of Action.


Ready, Set…GO! Non-action into Action! Letting your Wizard Dragon self step into action through co-creating and soon taking what matters into your own Hands!! Less is More!!

What matters to you?
What are you creating?
Are you being guided down a new path?
What will bring you peace, joy & ease?


What serves? What no longer is relevant?


We’ve stepped into the Wizard Wave, it hasn’t been so smooth, it’s been a little sticky, yet gearing up for massive shifts…we’re going to take off pretty soon in this time of Action!

Action starts off in Non-action and slowly starts to go into action.

Praying in the magic, into the physical before we even act.



Love & Light,
