ThetaHealing Planes of Existence with Sky!!!
Learn in depth the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminars and books of ThetaHealing.
Coming soon…
how to attend
In Person
Register Now For Only $1,650!

Learn in depth the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminars and books of ThetaHealing.
*Course tuition is $1300.
**Registration Fee & Materials is $350 (non-refundable)
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, and Intuitive Anatomy Practitioners
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, World Relations, and You and Your Inner Circle Practitioners
This Seminar/Course Includes:
✅ ThetaHealing Seven Planes of Existence Book
✅ ThetaHealing Planes of Existence Manual
✅ Planes of Existence Practitioner Certification at Completion of Seminar

Hello Beautiful Souls!
Like a super rare unicorn sighting,
Sky teaching a ThetaHealing Planes of Existence Certification!~ is one blazing rainbow of a portal opening up!
If you’re interested in joining me, learning from my years of service to this international community, register below!
It’s time to make your dreams come true and share with you one of the most powerful tools used to bring us into alignment, direct connection to the Highest Vibration of All That Is, to ramp up your manifestation skills, all while creating impeccable discernment and empowering you with a map to the Universe and Beyond, that will serve you the rest of this life, and throughout lifetimes to come.
If you’re ready to step in, this is your time!
If you’re ready to clear your limiting beliefs, trauma, pain suffering and general overall cosmic crap that you may think has been serving you and move forward and be the most epic, brilliant, sparkly, representation of your SELF on this earth in a Human body, this is one of the most potent steps I’ve discovered (over the last almost two decades throughout all my travels) that you can take!
Taking this 5-days IN-PERSON Certification course with me, after I’ve helped write and create some of the foundational courses of ThetaHealing that have made it internationally renown and traveled around the world with the founder, Vianna Stibal, and her husband, Guy, is a unique, powerful transmission & download in itself that you don’t want to miss! Plus-yo! I’m FUN & F&%$#in” Magical!
After all, it is important who you learn from since cell does talk to cell! & Light travels faster than the speed of light!! & Light, just IS!
Love & Light, Sky
ThetaHealing® Planes of Existence

The Planes of Existence is the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminar and books of ThetaHealing®. By learning the structure of the Planes of Existence, Vianna was shown that it was possible to create new realities in this lifetime and why she was creating difficult situations in her life.
The Planes of Existence Seminars is the quantum mechanics of metaphysics. In this seminar, Vianna will take you into dimensions beyond this universe… to what she believes to be the beginnings of life itself.
Sky will take you on a journey that leads outward past the universe … to offer the conception that with a theta state of mind it is possible to go beyond the speed of light with the power of thought …to connect to a divine energy before it becomes anything in this universe.
Through each of the Planes of Existence you experience a wealth of information and exercises that enhance each of the planes. As a student you will experience the connection of the Seventh Plane to the Creator of All That is, through the six plane learning about the wisdom of the laws and virtues, the 5th plane of angels and ascended masters, dimensions and alternate realities, to the fourth plane of the ancestors and learning, to the third plane of humans and why we do what we do, the second plane of the plants and their healing properties, and the first plane of the rocks and the Earth and Land records and start the process of developing your own self-mastery.
This seminar is only offered IN-PERSON with a certified Instructor.

You will experience:

- a deep dive during the course,
- unconditional love,
- learn how to create and discreate what you want,
- enjoy high contact with Sky during break out room sessions,
- all while creating a whole new community of like-minded souls.
If you’ve been waiting to learn this amazing deep dive into the Planes of Existence preparing yourself for Planes 2 and DNA 4, love learning from an experienced teacher, who is fun and playful, here’s your chance!
We are going to have a blast together as you discover the power of the 7 Planes of Existence, deepen your understanding of your life’s purpose, your connection to the 7 Planes of Existence and the super powers that lie within you ready to be utilized at will. and so much more.
Tuning into your heart and breath, if you hear a resounding “HEAVEN YES!” & feel your soul is cheering you on, this may be the moment you have been waiting for … and just might be what the world is waiting– you and your love light shining brightly guiding you forward in joy, abundance, fulfillment, fun and freedom!
Register Now For Only $1650!

Learn in depth the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminars and books of ThetaHealing.
*Course tuition is $1300
**Registration Fee & Materials is $350 (non-refundable)
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, and Intuitive Anatomy Practitioners
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, World Relations, and You and Your Inner Circle Practitioners
This Seminar/Course Includes:
✅ ThetaHealing Seven Planes of Existence Book
✅ ThetaHealing Planes of Existence Manual
✅ Planes of Existence Practitioner Certification at Completion of Seminar
ThetaHealing® Upcoming Courses

August 17 -19, 2024
ThetaHealing is an internationally renown healing modality and currently has practitioners from 182 countries around the world! ThetaHealing is a meditation training technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for improvement and involvement and involvement of mind, body, and spirit.

March 14 & 15, 2025
In this lifetime, we are supposed to achieve levels of love; love of our self, love of course of the Creator, love of a significant other, what it is like to really love your family, love your friends, and love the world. We need to be able to master these, but how can we master these if our programs already carried by us say that it is impossible?
**Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

October 4 - 6, 2024
The Advanced ThetaHealing Seminar expands the information in the Basic Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us.
**Prerequisites: Basic DNA

October 27 & 28, 2024
We are constantly growing and evolving, and during the growth process, it is very important to have a healthy support system and relationship with the people around us. It is only with the right support team that we can move forward in life with confidence.
**Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper

March 11 - 12, 2025
This seminar is designed to get all ThetaHealers® well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, and tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won't know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.
**Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA

March 19 - 20, 2025
This course uses an amazing questionnaire to assist you to find the many surprising and deeply hidden blocks standing between you and your goals. It shows you how to dig deep to clear them; teaches you about intention and Divine Timing, followed by how to make everything in your life work for you.
**Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Want to hear even more about my unique ThetaHealing Journey?

The Miracle of ThetaHealing™, How it is Changing the World, & Why it's important to Become a ThetaHealing™ Practitioner today with my friend, Emunah.
Check Out My Latest Podcast Episodes!
018: Boundaries
This special announcement is regarding the new Sky is Limitless Course: You and Your Inner Child. This is the next step after the Foundational ThetaHealing Certification Courses. Join us on this epic journey and learn, grow, and heal while contributing to making this world a better place.
017: Your Higher Self is always Manifesting for your Highest & Best!
This special announcement is regarding the new Sky is Limitless Course: You and Your Inner Child. This is the next step after the Foundational ThetaHealing Certification Courses. Join us on this epic journey and learn, grow, and heal while contributing to making this world a better place.
016: Leading with Light as a Transformational Leader with Jen Gilchrist
In this episode, Jen shares how she is leading with her light and how she is living her soul’s purpose. She also talks about how she is serving people, and about Dolphin Journeys. One of the highlights of this episode is Sky and Jen’s discussion about Group Consciousness: practice groups and other group sessions.
Raving Reviews
“I’m so grateful to Sky for being the midwife supporting Vianna’s birthing ThetaHealing into the world.
I’m alive because 12 years ago a ThetaHealer worked on me by phone and in 1 session healed genetic depression, genetic anxiety, and balanced my neurotransmitters. I went from decades of fighting being severely suicidal, to a peace that surpasses understanding, and a joy that this world doesn’t give, and this world can’t take away.
You are directly responsible for all the lives touched by ThetaHealers, and the ever-widening circle of lives blessed by ThetaHealing Instructors. Thank you for your loving presence, generous heart, and your commitment, devotion and dedication to Vianna, her loved ones and the world.”
“Thank you, Scarlett Beautiful Sky, for your intensity and for your devotion. When I heard the story from Vianna in México in 2012 about how Creator sent you to her to help her write the book, it seemed incredible to me. I thought to myself, I have to meet that woman, that thanks to her determination we have this excellent book, ThetaHealing, for all of humanity! Thank you, Creator of All That Is, for the purity of heart, the solidarity, the help and support of Beautiful Sky from California for the whole entire world!”
“Going from not being able to walk and living in constant pain to being completely pain-free has been an extraordinary journey. After fourteen years of this process, I finally stopped and listened and what I found came in the form of Sky. Taking a Basic DNA ThetaHealing class with Sky will change your life and open up a whole new world! I went from being in constant pain to being pain-free!
Sky hooks you up with the Highest Vibration of All That IS, you feel the connection and it stays with you. The Creator of All That Is uses Sky to help you turn in the direction of your calling. For some it will just be to be healed, some it will be to share, and some it will be to teach. After taking my first class with Sky and learning Theta, my life has totally changed! I’m out of pain, I a sense of belonging, my husband and I bought our dream home without making more money, I’ve done/witnessed healings on my husband’s allergies and they cleared up, on my mother-in-law’s hip and she completely healed, I manifested money to take Advanced ThetaHealing and more! Sky has shown me that we are only limited by our own beliefs of limitation. Amazement. That’s the only word you need when you learn from Sky.”
“In short—Sky is a miracle!
Yes, you read that correctly—a living, breathing, talking miracle.
I had the pleasure of attending a Basic ThetaHealing Seminar taught by Sky. I have taken this class twice before (each time from a different instructor). While those two seminars were great in their own way, they pale in comparison to the miracles witnessed and experienced in Sky’s seminar. Today is only day one of the three-day seminar and it has blown me away. Not only has everyone attending the seminar been able to visualize immediately, but also every student has experienced an instant, physical healing!!! WOW!!! In addition, the students learned how to muscle test and do the belief work in minutes. Even Sky was astounded by all of these events, which can be called nothing less than miracles!!!
Sky is extremely committed to the integrity and purity of the work. In addition, she has completed sixteen years of intensive belief work on herself that I believe has led to the miraculous success of the students attending the Basic ThetaHealing seminar today.”
“My manifesting skills are off the chart! Instant manifesting is happening for me! The thoughts and words hardly come to me and Poof! it happens.
I feel so blessed to have had the benefit and blessing of working closely with Sky and making my dreams come true!”
“Working with Sky is like coming home to a warm embrace of unconditional love and joy. She instantaneously creates safety and a space for limitless possibilities. Sky is a master intuitive harnessed with a lifetime of wisdom and tools to lead one from the abyss of uncertainty and pain to true divine connection and clarity. She is truly brilliant at helping others step into the full potential of their manifesting powers”
“Sky activates others simply by being her magical self! You will be changed by being in her presence. THEN, she does her amazing work, and it’s an experience that is beyond compare. It’s rare to be around someone who is wired to expect miracles always. She knows it’s possible to create whatever you want with ease – that’s her normal.
Sky is always looking for the easiest, most magical way to have the best life possible, and she wants YOU to be able to do the same for yourself. If you are attracted to being in the presence of someone with BIG VISION and conscious connection to ALL possibilities, Sky is your woman. If you really want what you say you want, working with Sky will help you create it all with ease and grace.”
“The first time I met Sky I knew she was a master at her art. I could feel her authenticity, compassion, and love. I began hearing more and more about ThetaHealing from friends, but knew in my heart Sky was the one for me. Sky’s friendly demeanor and ability to laugh had me at ease instantly, ready to expand into the healing. The meditations she did seemed to resonate deep within my cosmic memory and my soul remembered what to do with Sky’s clear instruction. She intuitively knew where I wanted to go and was able to capture that path even though I could not speak about it. I had goosebumps the entire time. I had goosebumps the entire day. I let go of some serious old patterns and I feel like a new woman. My world is now fresh, alive, clear, direct, and filled with love. I had been experiencing pain and with her help was able to remedy it immediately. ThetaHealing is very fast and thorough! If you are in pain, want to let go of old patterns, or want to start living the true light that you are, I HIGHLY recommend Sky for you! What a gift to the Universe!!!”