6a0133ec8175b4970b016763acf80a970b-250wiYesterday was a sunny, gorgeous day in Anderson Valley! The smell of yellow blooms wafted through the air, Daffodiles, Forsythia, and Acacia trees, sunshine warming up the day with Spring’s promise of new life.

Cathy & I were all greened up on our green juice and green smoothies and off to buy some locally grown produce at our sweet little Boonville Farmer’s Market to add to our own winter garden’s harvest.  Though our refrigerator and counter tops are overflowing with greens, veggies, and fruits & our own garden is raging full of kale, collards, chard, parsley, cilantro, sorrel, arugula, mustard greens, romaine, a variety of colored curly leaf lettuces, dandelion greens, mache, onions, peas & herbs, we find ourselves going through lots of vegetables and fruits these days and wanting more.

We arrived at the Market and were talking it up to the local winter farmers.  We purchased yummy sunflower sprouts, Japanese turnips, a famous rockin’ mix of greens, edible flowers & herbs from Bill & Jaye of Salad University & some wild-crafted Black Trumpet mushrooms from Emerald Earth .

One of the vendors that I know mentioned that she had a headache.  I offered to do a healing on her and she accepted right away.  I witnessed Creator of All That Is do a spontaneous & instant ThetaHealing (for
A Magnificent Kirlian Photograph
of a crucifer from David Wolfe‘s book
, The Sunfood Diet Success System
more info about ThetaHealing, check out my new and improved website by clicking on this link!) on this dear woman, as tears of appreciation and gratitude ran down her cheeks. After sharing a heartfelt hug, she gifted me a bouquet of beautiful, purple broccoli that she grew.  As she handed it to me she marveled out-loud at how amazed she was by its beauty & magic, which I felt right away when I accepted it. As I held it in my hands, I raised it to my lips & gave each little purple head a wee kiss, overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for its presence and coming into being.  I realized that this may not be the “normal” way of receiving vegetables and felt slightly self-conscious about it.  This was the second week in a row that I  had found myself kissing the vegetables that I got at the farmer’s market.  Of course, we’re in Boonville, in Mendocino County, CA, a pretty hip & wild place full of wonderfully intelligent, evolved, unique individuals, so no one thought twice of it, a few tourists stepped back though and quickly moved on to the next table, but I couldn’t help myself!  I giggled at the preposterousness of the thought of kissing vegetables in public, let alone at all, but also at this joyous craving inside every cell in my body that was saying, “Yes!”  I jokingly said, “Have you kissed your vegetables today!?” The woman rallied in support, saying,  “We should kiss our vegetables! They kiss us all throughout our body when we eat them!”


                           Blessed Purple Broccoli

I must say I know this to be true! It’s been five weeks tomorrow that I have been making green juice early in the morning, watching the sun come up over the hills in the valley, shining down on my garden as I harvest my greens for our green juice of the day.  My bodies (emotional, mental, physical & spiritual) feel completely different, vitalized, energized, alive and well!  I haven’t felt this good for a long time; it’s kinda crazy.  I talked to my brother’s girlfriend today on the phone, getting them going on making their first juice and she was like, “Wow!  You sound great!  What have you been doing?!” I told her; “It’s the juice!”  I don’t need as much sleep and am up at [5:30] most every day.  I don’t need stimulants and if I do partake in a cup of partially caffeinated beverage, I better put on my seat belt and helmet. I feel clear and am even more psychic than usual.  I’m more productive & things in my life are definitely moving forward.  Adding a quart of juice to my day on top of green smoothies and my already 80-90% raw diet has catapulted me into the next phase of healing from the inside out.  My raw food consultant and chef friend at Raw Revival Health and I have both preferred green smoothies over the green juice because green smoothies are made of whole foods, which includes the fiber. The fiber is important because it delivers the sugars of the fruits gradually over a longer period of time and prevents the sugar buzz and crash effect.  I avoid this by drinking my green smoothie soon after juicing.  I don’t see myself juicing every day forever, but I don’t see myself stopping any time soon either.  It’s a perfect time of year to do a bit more detoxing, as the liver naturally cleanses itself in the Spring.


Green Juice: 6 kale leaves, 4 stalks of celery, 2 apples, 1 large cucumber, 1 lemon, a bit of ginger root

Cathy is way on board and missed our juicing experience the one day we didn’t do it. She has more energy and doesn’t get tired on the 75 mile, curvy drive home from work.  She’s noticed that if she comes home and has some green juice after school, she now only reaches for the cheese, crackers and wine on special occasions.

My oldest dog, Boont, is enjoying his green juice too.   Since we’ve been juicing and he’s been drinking his juice/water, his breathing seems to be better and he has more energy.  He also likes his green smoothies, my friend Paul Stamets’ MUSH mushroom blend for cats and dogs and raw dehydrated wheat grass powder in his food.


After watching the video, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (click here now to watch on Hulu), I was inspired to add juicing to my diet.  I had to start slowly because even though I had a very clean, clear diet, I was still experiencing some detox effects (headaches, increased moodiness, rashes, etc.)  I found it was important for me to remember to drink even more water than usual.  I experienced old cravings and though my mind didn’t want them, my body thought it did.  I realized it was just the toxins being pulled out of my cells and reached for the  Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora.  A few drops of zeolite in my water and it encapsulated all the toxins and got rid of it without me having to experience symptoms from detoxing in my blood system.  I was wanting to do the 10-day Juice Fast that they did on the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead video, but found that adding a quart of juice a day is suiting me just fine for right now.

The oddest things I’ve noticed since I’ve started juicing is that before I open my eyes in the morning I am thinking about which greens I’ll have for my juice.  This is a much more desireable thought than the plethora of thoughts I was having a few months ago and is a far cry from waking up depressed or anxious!  I salivate when I see greens…Victoria Boutenko, green smoothie goddess, says this is a good thing.  All I know is that I definitely feel kissed by my vegetables, leafy greens and fruits!

Have you kissed your vegetables today?

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Japanese Turnips are beautiful and have a subtle turnip taste.